The mailing lists

The mailing lists


We have two different mailing lists, one for broad and occasional communications (it's called magari), and another one for more internal stuff, to exchange info, send summaries of meetings we've had... (it's called magaripasta).

Anyone may be in the general list, but for the internal one, you should have a non GAFAM email address (for more info on the topic and how to create one, see this page).

Subscribe or modify your subscription:

To subscribe to one of our mailing lists, the easiest is to write an email to us at magari[(at)] with the email you want to subscribe (and telling us which list you would like to be added to).

If you prefer, you can also request to subscribe from the mailing list page. From that page, you can also unsubscribe or change your settings (if you're already part of the list).

The mailing list page for magari is here.
The mailing list page for magaripasta is here.

Send an email to one of the lists:


Since many people are in the magari list. Emails should be sent to this list only for general communication concerning the community that should be of interest for everyone (to avoid spamming it's members with irrelevant information). Therefore writing to this list is restricted. Emails to it should be written from the community email address or else they will be automatically rejected. (For info on how to access the community email address, check this page.)


To send an email to the magaripasta list, you can simply write to magaripasta[(at)] However, if you're not part of the list, your message will have to be approved by one of the list moderator.

Administration of the lists:

To administer one of the mailing lists, you should be part of the magari IT tools administration team, and have access to our accounts (for more info on that, check this page).

The administration interface for magari is here.
The administration interface for magaripasta is here.